Who Is

It is our love for nature, animals, dogs and in particular Bracco Italiano. And it is only for passion that I became a Dog Professional Trainer. I train dogs for hunting, especially for races. Particularly bracchi italiani, Spinoni and generally continental dogs. My first dog became Italian champion , strong in the race as a fighter: Dante Monte Alago, nikname Ber, for me and for him too.

I live in a village called Campo Ligure , in the mountains behind Genoa, in a farmhouse far from the village, situated among  woods for the quiet of my dogs.

I preferably work in areas where wind and plans never lack as in Praglia  and dog train area of Traso of Bargagli, close to Genoa raighly 1 km far. I also like moving in the flat area dog train called Tollara near Alessandria and even in some reserves in the Ovada hill and in Savona. Twice a year I go to Croatia, Nin (the famous "antennas") Where the stays are  enough and the area is well organized too.

As I am in contact with Italian Bracchi farmers, whose dogs I bring for testing, I have some puppies available. And  sometimes it can even happen, that do litter if I consider them nice and food save of my dogs.